It was a real nurturing experience to be part of this important gathering SOUNDINGS: Assemblies of Listenings and Voices Across the Souths at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin.
I offered a workshop with the INTIMAL App© and I am full of gratitude to the organisers for the invitation and encouragement to speak and share my work and renewed reflections.

Soundings was a seminal 5-day gathering of musicians, artists, performers, and sound scholars from outside of the European canon. Soundings addressed "the dearth of critical engagement with artists and thinkers working on the margins of the Eurocentric discourses, to counteract a scant presence of the Global South, diasporic, and indigenous music and sound works, and scholarship in the contemporary fields of music and sound arts". In meaningful soundings and listenings with diverse formats, I was invited to listen to the plants, as well as the research and art of my artists-researchers-thinkers colleagues from the Global South, who have engaged also in migratory journeys to make their voices, thoughts and artistic and intellectual development heard and evolve in countries from the Global North. A deep and critical revision of how we voice and listen was framed with silences for reflection, on what unites us, also on our diversities, and how we find ways for being recognised on equal levels for our long-distance journey to be supported across the globe.