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Long Distance Improvisation – May 7 save the date!!

INTIMAL: Improvisación a larga distancia en Tiempo Real (Oslo, Barcelona, Londres)

En esta improvisación sonora telemática, utilizando Internet, nueve mujeres colombianas que viven y se conectan desde las ciudades de Oslo, Barcelona y Londres, expresarán sus viajes migratorios simultáneamente (en tiempo real) a través del movimiento corporal, la voz y el lenguaje. Sus recuerdos también se evocarán mientras escuchan un archivo oral con testimonios de Mujeres Colombianas en la Diáspora, sobre sus experiencias como migrantes en Europa y sus recuerdos del conflicto colombiano.


INTIMAL: Long Distance Improvisation in Real Time (Oslo, Barcelona, London)

In this telematic sonic improvisation, using the Internet, nine Colombian women living in and connecting from the cities of Oslo, Barcelona and London, will express their migratory journeys simultaneously (in real time) through body movement, breathing, voice and language. Their memories will also be triggered while they listen to an oral archive with testimonies from the organization Diaspora Women, about their experiences as migrants in Europe and their memories of the Colombian conflict. The archive will be navigated through a digital tool that interrelates in a mobile manner these fragments of oral memory.

Oslo Venue: Melahuset, Mariboes gate 8, 0183 Oslo Time: 8pm

Barcelona Venue: Fundación Phonos, Campus de las Comunicaciones de Poblenou (UPF) Carrer de Roc Boronat, 138 08018 Barcelona Time: 8pm

London Venue: Iklectik Art Lab Iklectik Art Lab, London ‘Old Paradise Yard’ 20 Carlisle Lane (Royal Street corner) next to Archbishop’s Park. SE1 7LG Time: 7pm

Artist-Researcher: Ximena Alarcón-Díaz

Postdoctoral Researcher, RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Motion, Time and Rhythm, Department of Musicology, University of Oslo


INTIMAL Listening Community – Colombian Migrant women in Oslo, Barcelona and London

Artistic and Technical Implementation:

Mari Lesteberg, Elias Sukken Andersen, Eirik Dahl, Eigil Aandahl, Çagri Erdem

Technical Implementation:

Paul Boddie, Lucia Nikolaia Lopez Bohorquez

Artistic and Technical Advice:

Alexander Refsum Jensenius

Technical Support Barcelona:

Ángel Faraldo.

Xavier Favory, Nerea Tascón. IT support: Germán España.

Documentation Support: Silvia Villalba, Estefanía González.

Technical Support London:

Sound and Documentation Support: Matt Parker.

Iklectik ArtLab: Eduard and Isa.

Technical Implementation External Assistance:

Sagar Sen – from Sweetzpot Breathing Sensors

External Artistic Research Advisors:

Kristin Norderval, Cathy Lane, Trond Lossius


RITMO Researchers, University of Oslo; Master in Music, Communication and Technology, UiO (Oslo) and NTNU (Trondheim); Fundación PHONOS, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; CRiSAP, LCC, University of the Arts London; IKLECTIK Art Lab, London; MELAHUSET, Oslo; VOXLAB, Oslo; Diaspora Women – Barcelona and London; Centre for Deep Listening, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 752884, and has been partially supported by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence scheme, project number 262762.

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